Family Vacations
In August we hod the opportunity to go on vacation with both of our families! The Windley vacation was first in upstate Wisconsin and the next week was Camp Norman in DE. Both were lots of fun and we left incredibly thankful to have two families who love the Lord and each other deeply! Here are some of the shots... Family fire time :) Team Windley for the 2012 mini-tri competition. They got lucky and beat us this year but what can you expect when I had a baby 2 months earlier? We may be parents but we're still in love:) This girl logged 3,800 miles in three weeks!! We decided to cut her some slack when she got a little sick of the car-seat! "Baby Rooker" and "Baby Madison" were quite the hit at Camp Norman with the cousins (and aunts!) Rooker is just 17 days older - how fun :) One proud MumMum :) Haley (our oldest niece) and I were ride buddies :) Beach time bonding!