Big Corners Turned

Look, Ma!  Free cheeks for kissing!
 Looks like our Little Fighter just needed to decide that he wanted to start getting better...  Lots of progress since our last post.

Nathan is now breathing on his own except for a little oxygen support at night, which he was already receiving at home! 

He is also being fed through his G-tube and as of today is getting the full amount that he needs!  Here's to hoping he continues to tolerate it.  Everything we can see from his test and how he is responding so far indicates that the surgery was really successful! 

All this progress means that Nathan was moved out of the PICU last night and onto a regular floor.  His is also a much happier boy now that for the first time in three months he has food in his belly and no tube up his nose and down his throat! 

Having a special FroYo treat :)
Several folks took shifts at the hospital this weekend so that Madison could get some time with Mommy and Daddy together.  Little girl keeps saying "I need Daddy, Mommy, Nay-Nay."  She's ready for us to all be in the same place.  Speaking of...

There are rumors of trying to get us home by the end of this week - maybe even earlier.  

We have meeting in a few minutes to discuss some of Nathan's respiratory needs moving forward, especially in light of 3 surgeries in the next 9 months and throughout the rest of his life.  We're praying for wisdom and direction in this area.  

As always, thanks for your prayers and continued support. 


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