10 on the 9th!

 The MRI results came back clear!  NO TUMOR!  We're thankful and thrilled.  Obviously, there will be ongoing discussions/potential with Nathan's eyesight because of the unique structure of the bones in his skull and mid face - but those will be on going and are for another day...

This means that next week we're heading back to Dallas for the second finger/toe surgery.  On October 9th Nathan will have ALL 10 fingers and toes released!!   9 days from now we'll be sitting, standing, pacing - waiting.  6-7 long hours of waiting for the doctor to walk through the door and take us back to see our son.  The "plan" is that this should look very much like our last surgery in Dallas - casts for 4 weeks afterwards, etc.  

Knowing what to expect is somewhat of a double sided coin...  I find myself rubbing his little arms and legs incessantly as I think about how much I missed touching his sweet skin during 4 weeks of casts.  He's so close to crawling - it's a bummer to think his mobility will be more limited again for a time...  Mostly though, it's super exciting because seeing how much dexterity he has gained from having half of his fingers and toes makes us pretty excited to see how much he's gonna love having ALL. OF. THEM.  

The night Nathan was born, I have this distinct memory of calling my dad at some point in the middle of the night (my mom was here with Madison) to tell him his first grandson was here but wasn't with me.  I remember saying "It's like he doesn't have hands and feet."  I remember Jonny and I in that dark, little hospital room waiting for the phone call that our baby had made it safely to Children's Hospital, trying to make sense of what we'd just seen.  Asking each other questions we both knew neither of us had the answer to.  Did he even have hands or feet?  We weren't sure.  We had  seen him for only a few minutes, I held him for even fewer and Jonny hadn't gotten to hold his son at all.  

We had assumed.  We had assumed so much about who our son would be and what he would look like without even realizing it.  

We've learned a lot since then.

And now, 11 days before his ONE YEAR OLD BIRTHDAY, our boy will be in an OR while profoundly skilled surgeons are releasing for him the fingers and toes that are, in fact, there after all.

For who is God besides the Lord?
    And who is the Rock except our God?

It is God who arms me with strength
    and keeps my way secure.

He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;
    he causes me to stand on the heights. 

 He trains my hands for battle;
    my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

You make your saving help my shield,
    and your right hand sustains me;
    your help has made me great. 

 You provide a broad path for my feet,
    so that my ankles do not give way.

Psalm 18:31-36 


  1. Praying for you, sweet friend & praising God with you for all that He has done!

  2. Thanking God with you for Nathan's MRI results! Praying for your travels and for all to go well with Nathan's surgery.


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