Upward and Onward

We cought the red-eye flight to Dallas last Wednesday evening arriving at about 2am Thursday morning. Flying with two kids is always an adventure and adding those kind of hours to it is icing on the cake! In all truthfulness, while our kiddos aren't perfect and certainly have thier moments, we really couldn't have asked for them to do better than they did with the travel. (Expectations are everything!) Experience has taught us to always plan a buffer day in between travel and Nathan's appointments so Thursday we recovered and Friday Nathan, Jonny and I headed to the hospital for an MRI of Nathan's skull and an appointment with his specialist. They say there is a first time for everything and after the last 2.5 years we had our first. Nathan's MRI looked fantastic and the doctor said he was in a "very Zen place" with how Nathan is doing right now! Dr. F. was able to provide some really important insight into Nathan's upcoming eye/ear/throat surger...