Baby + Surgery = Busy Week!

"Say Cheese"

Sweet Dreams


This is going to be short and sweet.  As you probably guessed from the title, we have just a few things going on this week and time is of the essence for this sleep deprived Mama ;)

First things first...  Bryce Timothy Norman was born last Thursday, July 21st!  Weighing in at 8lbs 3oz, he is 19 inches long and has totally captured our hearts!  We are thankful for his healthy delivery and to have been able to come home the next day from the hospital.  His big sister and big brother are pretty thrilled with him and are both eager to help bring him a paci, or his blanket and even throw away diapers for us!  It's tender and precious to watch how they each engage him and seek to love on him and care for him.

Not to be upstaged by anyone, Nathan (actually, his ophthalmologist) decided that this Thursday, the 28th would be a fantastic time reschedule a surgery that had to be canceled last month due to his getting HFM virus.  This surgery will be working with several muscles in Nathan's eyes to try to correct some of the ongoing vision issues he has and will also be somewhat exploratory as to helping discern if any future surgical interventions might be needed for his eyes.  Surgery starts at 7:35am. The great news is that this surgery *should* be an outpatient procedure - It would be Nathan's first!  I'm holding my breath.

Last Thursday I was in the hospital with my newest little love who was only a couple of hours old.

This Thursday (tomorrow) I will not be able to be at the hospital while my brave boy goes back for yet another surgery.  (Turns out children's hospitals aren't the healthiest place for newborns to hang out all day, so Jonny will take Nathan to surgery while I stay home with the other two.  Thankfully, my parents are both in town so they can help us divide and conquer without either of us having to just be totally alone and waiting...)

Thanks to so many of you for sharing in our joy with Bryce's arrival and standing in prayer with us faithfully and continuously as we lift up the body of our precious firstborn son.  The lump in my throat and tears burning my eyes are a witness of how deeply humbled and thankful we are for your support and love for our family.

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." Isaiah 26:3


  1. Will be praying for you! So excited about your new little one and trusting God with another procedure for Nathan! Love you all!

  2. It's wonderful to hear how well you are all doing. Glad you had a safe and healthy delivery and prayers that Nathan's surgery goes just as smoothly. We miss you all so much, glad to be able to keep up with your lives here. <3 Sarah& Andrew Lundstrom

  3. Praying for a peaceful, productive day tomorrow covered with grave and mercy for all of you.

  4. Will be praying for everyone and successful surgery. I love his expression of "say cheese." Is is going to be a ham. God Bless all of you.

  5. Sending much love and prayers to all of you, Jen! How faithful is our God!


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