New House or Home?
Friends, It has been quite some time since our little family has updated the blog... and so, SO much has changed. Not the least of which is the fact that we now live in Texas! 3 days before Bryce was born, Jonny was asked to take a position as the Lead Pastor at a great church in Ft. Worth Texas. ( Trinity Chapel Bible Church ) So about three weeks after Bryce was born we sold our house, moved to Ft. Worth, bought a house sight unseen (huzzah for a good realtor!) and have been trying to settle in to life as a new family of five in a new house, new city, new job and new community. We've been gone from Ohio for not even 2 months, yet everything has changed so drastically and quickly. I am beginning to see what my grandmother means when she says, "Sometimes I feel as though I have lived many different lives..." The very place that was once so strange and new to us had become home. And yet, we are hopeful and thankful to be here. ...