Own It

(It’s Jonny this time, so set your expectations accordingly - my wife's the writer!) 

My heart is full! 

Even though we are 4 days away from what will likely be one of Nathan’s hardest surgeries and certainly the most intense recovery - I witnessed something truly amazing this morning. 

Our brave son, Nathan, got up in front of 450 of his peers and shared a presentation he created about his upcoming surgery. 

The backstory is that Nathan loves making google slideshow presentations. He’s had to make a couple for school which is what got him going. But just for fun, he’s made one on the NFL and on the NBA and on various soccer players (feel free to ask him about them, he’d love to show you :)) 

So when Jen suggested that maybe he make one about his upcoming surgery to share with his class, he was all over it. Then after he made it, he shared it with the school principal and she asked if he would be willing to share it with the whole school during the morning assembly and to our great surprise, he said yes. 

So today was the big day!

I knew it was a big moment. Not many of us relish the opportunity to speak in front of 450 of our peers. That was brave on one level. 

But to share about the most vulnerable part of himself (his differences and his need for surgeries and the specific one coming up), that was brave beyond words. 

A counselor told me this week that for anyone who’s experienced any sort of trauma, healing only comes when we can own what’s happened; speak to it, and begin to accept and integrate it into our story. The process of preparing and delivering this presentation was a huge step forward for Nathan in “owning” the path God has given him to walk!

My heart is full! Thank you for sharing in our joy! 

(Our church put a webpage together with some ways to join us on this journey over the next couple months. https://www.trinitychapelbc.org/care-for-the-normans.  We are so thankful to God for the wonderful support of our families, church community, and school community.)


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