
Showing posts from 2012


Life has been very full of tangible reasons to give thanks!  We were given a beautiful dinning room set from a lady at our church, Maddie is starting to try out rice cereal and last week we were in Maryland spending time with Jonny's family for Thanksgiving.  We also celebrated our 3rd Anniversary!  How fun to get time to be with family we love and step back to reflect on the riches we have in and through Christ! Cousin bonding with some Klinglers :) 3 years and counting! :) Miller cousin time! Time with MumMum First bite of cereal!  (This is probably one of those pictures that you only have of your first-born.... oh well :) ) We love it! Ready for visitors!! :)

Has it really been 5 months?!?!

Wow. Wowowowow.  Time flies when you are having fun and we are doing LOTS of that!  Here are some pics of the last few weeks :) Maddie gets to meet Bryce! Chillaxin' at the cabin :) Aunt Emmy brings the fashion We had a visit from my grandparents! Cutest little Halloween Bunny Hopefully she's always this happy about helping with laundry :) those rolls are just too much!


Here's our little girl thinkin' she is a big deal cuz she can sit up and move around :)

Growing, Growing, Growing

Wow!  Has it really been 4 months?!  On her 4 month b-day Maddie was in the 95% for her weight and her height for girls her age...  just more of her to love, right? :) Here are a few pics.  Hopefully there will be some video of her giggling soon!  She always seems to get distracted by the camera when we try to catch her laughing.

Family Vacations

In August we hod the opportunity to go on vacation with both of our families!  The Windley vacation was first in upstate Wisconsin and the next week was Camp Norman in DE.  Both were lots of fun and we left incredibly thankful to have two families who love the Lord and each other deeply!  Here are some of the shots... Family fire time :) Team Windley for the 2012 mini-tri competition.  They got lucky and beat us this year  but what can you expect when I had a baby 2 months earlier?   We may be parents but we're still in love:) This girl logged 3,800 miles in three weeks!!  We decided to cut her some slack when she got a little sick of the car-seat! "Baby Rooker" and "Baby Madison" were quite the hit at Camp Norman with the cousins (and aunts!)  Rooker is just 17 days older - how fun :) One proud MumMum :) Haley (our oldest niece) and I were ride buddies :) Beach time bonding!  

It's been a while...

Life has not slowed down a bit!  Maddie is 9 weeks today and at her two month check up she weighed in a 14lbs 6oz. and was 24 inches long.  That's two inches of growth in a month!  She's been meeting lots of family and friends and is now showing off an adorable smile :)  So may wonderful pics but here are a few highlights....