A Father's Heart and Fun Firsts!

At only 3 weeks and one day old our little girl has completely captured our hearts!

Perhaps one of the most unexpected things that has accompanied this new title of "parenthood" is how much is has caused my (Jen's) heart to grow in my understanding of what it means to trust and rest in the Lord.  This week we celebrated Jonny's first Father's Day and as I reflected on that I was overcome with the reality that Jonny and I would stop at NOTHING to meet Madison's needs.  Of course it is easy and tempting, even now, to think about giving your child the "American Dream" complete with every opportunity they could possibly imagine and every item they could possibly want.  But the reality is that her needs are really very basic...  Food, clothing, and some place safe to sleep.  I can't promise our little girl will always have the nicest or biggest or best (in fact, I can most assuredly say she won't!) - just like the Lord does not promise those things to us.  But I know that when push comes to shove there is not a sacrifice I would not make, not a single possession I would not sell, not a meal I wouldn't give up or a job too low for me to take if it meant keeping my little girl alive.  And when I think of how completely and fully committed Jonny and I are to the good of this little one we have only known for 22 days, I am totally and utterly overwhelmed at how the Lord must love us!  The Lord used Jonny and I to bring Madison into this world, but ultimately, HE is her creator.  He is the one who knows the hairs on her head and formed and created her for 9 months... just as he did for you and for me.  Realizing that my love for my daughter must pale in comparison to His great love for me gives my heart great rest and has brought me to an entirely new level of trust as I look to Him for the needs of today and the unknowns of the future.

Enough of that... :)  Here are pics of some fun firsts from the last week...
Meeting her Mum-Mum (Jonny's Mom) and Grandpa (Great Grandfather on Jonny's side) for the first time

Say hi to Poppi (Jonny's dad!)

First time to a restaurant!  Yay for breakfast out :)

93 years old and he's on a ladder cleaning my windows....  Gotta love it!!!

First Bottle!  Daddy and Maddie are quite the team :)

Is she cute or what?!

First Father's Day!  Do you think he's excited? :)
I think she likes to watch him just as much as he likes to watch her!


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