GREAT news!

I got the phone call sometime yesterday afternoon....

"Do you want the good news or the GREAT news first?" Jonny asked.

Because it has been a particularly difficult and tragic week for our community, church family and even just tiring personally (Nathan went back into the hospital for two nights last weekend.  Thankfully, it was just an upper respiratory infection which never progressed to his lungs and we are home again) I went all in...

"The GREAT.  Give me the GREAT news."

"Dr. Fearon's office just called and they are UNDER CONTRACT with our insurance for a year!!!!"

His joyful proclamation was met with silence.  Silence, because the time it took him to get that sentence out of his mouth was all the time needed for my throat to tighten and my eyes to fill with tears.  

It happened.  It really, really happened.  Since October 21st, when we were first given Nathan's diagnosis of Apert Syndrome and were simultaneously informed about Dr. Fearon - the leading/most experienced surgeon for Apert Syndrome in the world, who is based out of Dallas - we have been praying, planning, praying, traveling to see him, praying, making phone calls several times a week, praying, wondering, praying...  you get the idea.  And just like that - We are in!  Being under contract with our insurance for a year guarantees that the first three Apert related surgeries for Nathan - the two which will "release" his fingers and toes in two stages and his first frontal-orbital advancement (expanding his skull to allow room for healthy brain growth) will all be done by Dr. Fearon! 

Speaking of surgeries.... THE FIRST APERT RELATED SURGERY IS SET FOR JULY 17th!!!  This will probably be the first stage of separating Nathan's fingers and toes.  crrraaazzzy.  Such a weird thing to be excited about!  I mean really - it's so weird to be excited about your kid "getting" fingers and toes, starting at 9 months - lol!  But, we are thrilled and thankful!  So. Very. Thankful.  When the office called they made a point of mentioning two things...  Our family doctor "Talking to all the right people to help make this happen" and also Jonny's diligent persistence to keep regularly calling their office and insurance to keep checking and staying on top of everything.  I could not be more proud, more thankful or more deeply moved by his attentive, diligent care for our son. 

So that, my friends, is the GREAT news!

What was the good news?  I truly don't even remember...  :)


  1. Thank you Lord. This is the best news one could ask for.


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