Under Our Own Roof :)

We are officially home!  Nathan was discharged from the hospital yesterday!  It has been a FULL 24 hours trying to get into the swing of things here.  Nathan did come home with the NJ feeding tube that goes down through his nose and into his small intestine.  As I mentioned earlier, it is continuously dripping which means that for 20/24 hours he has to be connected to it.

Sweet Madison has been so happy and giggly!  I cannot tell you how many times she has given Nathan a hug, or patted his back or given him a kiss....  All so sweet... and also a little tricky with the feeding tube and the chords that come along with it!  If we make it until his surgery without that chord getting pulled out (which happened last time we brought him home on one - back in November) I will be shocked.

Nathan also has to be hooked up to oxygen at night for now.  Not a lot and maybe not forever but for at least the next few weeks.  Trying to corral Maddie and get him all hooked up with air and food and everything = two exhausted parents after the kids are in bed.

Thank you for your prayers for us and please keep them coming.  There are still a mountain range (that's right, not just one mountain - a whole range of mountains)  of decisions and details that Jonny and I are having to make for both digestion and Apert -  doctors, timeline, insurance, recovery, location, etc. etc.  Above all, will you pray for WISDOM and UNITY for Jonny and I as we process.  Opinions and perspectives are as numerous as there are people.  Please pray for Jonny and I to communicate in loving, honoring ways to each other as we sift through everything together.  You can also pray for stamina, efficiency and surrender in the day-to-day.  Pray that in all things, ALL things, Christ would be glorified.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
Psalm 121: 1-3


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