PICU Happenings

We'll start this post with a Pop Quiz (blame it on the teacher in me...) No news for a few days means: A) There is no "significant" medical update B) Days when the waiting feels long and hard are not the best days to update a public forum C) The days have been unbelievably full D) All of the above Correct Answer: D Nathan is actually not showing any progress in the right direction since he was taken off the ventilator last Wed. In fact, he has been teeter-tottering as to whether or not he needs to be put back on. As of yesterday treatments and efforts to trouble shoot why he is still working so hard to breath even with significant oxygen support were really ramped up. We actually haven't even been able to do the study that will give us an indicator of how successful the digestive surgery was because they are unable to conduct the study on the type and amount of oxygen support Nathan is currently receiving. We came to the hospital to address an eat...