The Non-Negotiable Commodity
Sweet Family and Friends, We've been home from the hospital for 18 days and two months from now we hope to have the first stage of Nathan's Finger/Toe release surgery completed. The thing about time is that it just keeps ticking... 7 months and 5 days ago we went to the hospital expecting to deliver our son and join our 16.5 month old daughter at home the next day. After all, I'm not a first-time mom, I didn't need TWO nights in the hospital - I wanted to be home... with Madison. And Nathan. And now, 82 Days and Nights of hospital life later, I am rejoicing to be home. Rejoicing and trying to be thankful for and deeply engage the moments. The little. boring. moments. Oh, how I have learned to appreciate boring. Moments where nothing is happening and yet I find tears stinging my eyes because it's just so precious. Moments like these... Mother's Day 2014 Sibling bonding This was totally candid! How a...