Whose Girl Are You?

  Our sweet little girl turned 2 last week!
Turns out all the cliche's really are true...  Time does fly.  They do grow up too fast.  Which I'm guessing means the others are true as well... We'll blink and they'll be teenagers.  They grow up without even asking.  Right now they need us all the time but in no time they "won't need" us at all.

What I can tell you for sure is that the little girl who is growing up before our very eyes is more brave, loving, tenderhearted, joyful, caring, fun and interesting than I could have ever imagined.  Her vocabulary is taking off, as is her independence.  Her resiliency coupled by her easy-to-please and quick-to-love nature have blessed us tremendously.  Her giggle is so contagious that strangers at the park, with toddler themselves, comment on it.  She is a "with me" kid and her happiest moments are when the people she loves are with her.  One of her favorite past times is to go down a long list of names of family and friends that she wants to "say hi" to because she loves them so.

Birthday balloons and flowers from Daddy.  Be still my heart. 

I could go on and on about how impressed I am with the way she tries things, eats new foods all the time, loves to give hugs, adores her brother, plays with friends, is polite, loves for things to be in order (Jonny), likes to be outside and run, loves books, etc. etc.  But I have to say that one of my favorite things about her right now is how she already learning WHO she really is.  When I ask her, "Madison, whose girl are you?"  Her response is," Mommy's girl.  Daddy's girl. Nay-Nay's girl.  Jesus's girl."

That is exactly right my sweet girl.  My prayer is that you come to know and understand that truth more and more with each year you walk this earth.  There are many who already love you and many more who will.  But there is ONE and only one who can rescue you.  His name is Jesus.  Make no mistake his love for you compelled him to a cross because as cute and sweet as you are, you need a savior.  Yes, even you.  The God who formed and created you is a holy God.  You will grow to find that you are not perfect.  And long before you realize that you are not perfect, you will KNOW that I am not.  In the pages of the Bible you will find that Jesus again and again proclaims himself to be the only way for us to have a relationship with God.  As you grow older, I hope that you will study and learn this for yourself.  I hope (and pray) that you will actually look into the reliability of the scriptures, that you will test the claims of Christ and his followers (both past and present.)  Mostly, I pray that you will come to know Jesus intimately, that you will treasure him dearly and that you will live out your days here and in eternity as Jesus's Girl. 

Happy Birthday, my girl.  I love you more than you can imagine!


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