One More Week

We're officially on a countdown (and holding our breath!)   1 week from now, on July 17th Nathan has surgery in Dallas.  This will be the first of two surgeries to "release" his fingers and toes.

Since we were last released for the hospital, things have been... amazing.  That's right - absolutely, totally amazing.  Nathan has been soooooo healthy and is even hitting some of those developmental milestones like rolling over!  It is SO FUN to see him be interactive and start to respond to his name more and always wanting to be trying to move or play with something.  He is all boy, I can tell you that.

Maddie is still just as thrilled with him as ever.  In fact, the other day she invited him onto her chair so that she could read him a book.  

In my last post I mentioned that the MRI had been postponed.  It will be sometime in the next several months but as it was not totally necessary to have done before his surgery in Dallas next week, they decided to give the kid a break.  For his upcoming surgery a super important thing is how he recovers from being under anesthesia/ on a ventilator during surgery.  If it's a great recovery - that's great.  If it's terrible, there's a chance the conclusion may be that he needs to have a trache (breathing tube) put in.  If it's anywhere in between, it will lead to lots more conversations...  

For the last 9 months, we've literally only kept discovering more and more things that need to be addressed.  Please keep praying that Nathan stays exceptionally healthy and that he recovers/comes out of surgery well. 

This will be a pretty crazy week with the logistics of preparing for and then executing travel with a just-turned-2-year-old and almost 9 month old.  Not to mention the emotional aspect of preparing for major changes to take place in my son's body...  As my teaching mentor always said, "All change is stressful, even good change."

In the meantime, he is happy as a clam to be at home, saying hi to all the neighbors on walks, meeting a new speech therapist to help him keep taking more and more food by mouth and watching Madison dance circles around him.


  1. David and I cannot wait for you all to be here in a few days!! Lots of loving coming your way! And hopefully a butt kickin for you, Jen, in Take 2 ;)


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