Crawling to Surgery

For the third time in four and a half months we are back in Dallas for Nathan to have surgery.  This time however, the doctors cleared Nathan to fly and let me tell you - it was AMAZING.  Flying for three hours with two kids is a breeze compared to two days of driving!

All of Nathan's pre-op appointments were Wednesday and we enjoyed Thanksgiving with my dad and youngest brother yesterday.  

Surgery starts at 7:45am CT on Monday morning.  As we've said before, this surgery is super intense.  Simply stated, they will make an incision across Nathan's head from ear to ear.  From there, they will remove his skin, take off his skull, reshape it, put it back on, sew his skin up and give him back to us (via the ICU, of course ;) )

Seeing as how that's the simple version, it probably won't surprise anyone reading this to hear that I cried my eyes out last night as we were going to bed.

How thankful we are that surgery is here in Dallas where we are with part of our family.  Who but family can ride out the emotional roller coaster with you of pre-op appointments, seeing The Mocking Jay, playing in the yard with your two currently healthy kids and letting you be tense and emotional without warning when you suddenly remember that while you are here for Thanksgiving, that's not really why you are here this year?

Speaking of family.... Jonny's mom is actually flying in to Dallas on Saturday to be here with us during the surgery and recovery days as well.  (So thankful.)  My mom has been in NC since August as her dad has been in the final stages of lung cancer...  He is in Hospice housing now and the doctors are giving him days, possibly a couple weeks.  So, my mom finds herself in an incredibly unique and impossibly difficult situation as a daughter, mother and grandmom.  At this point she plans to fly back to Dallas on Sunday to be with us - please keep her especially (along with my grandmom and uncles) in your thoughts and prayers during all this as well.  

Finally, here is a short video from last week!  You-know-who is an army crawling machine!! :)  



  1. Standing with you, as a part of your church family, in love and prayers. ❤️

  2. I watched this video over and over again. I am so happy to see him crawling and smiling. He is such a cutey. My prayers are with you all as you and your family go through these difficult times. Thinking of you always. Hugs and kisses.
    From Maria Fortunato (Amy's Mom)


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