Home Again, Home Again

We are so thankful to let you all know that Nathan made his escape from the hospital Friday afternoon.  He is doing really well and as you can imagine got the best night of sleep last night that he has had all week. 

We are thankful for the hospital staff and appreciative of all that they do to get our boy back to health but there is no place like home :)

Jonny's parents being here was a tremendous help to us and we are so grateful that since they were already planning on watching our kids they were willing to relocate and pitch in here. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and care for our family.


  1. Hey Jennifer, you don't know me, or you might barely know me through maybe some East-West or Jessica Garrett party or other. I only know of you, but when I heard from your dad at EW the early news of your son's birth before you understood much of what was going on, I deeply felt for you. Although minor in comparison, I had just experienced my daughter's birth and finding out after birth that she had a cleft palate, wouldn't be able to nurse, would need surgery or surgeries, etc., etc.I prayed hard for you then, knowing that you didn't even know what to tell people yet and that you were grappling with so much. I have often thought of you since, even though I'm not at EW and am overseas now. When I thought of you today I managed to find this website and it's beautiful, and the way God is forming your family and you all in the midst of the chaos is beautiful. I still pray for a break for you guys, to take some time away as a couple to catch your breath, but I also pray for daily strength and joy in the midst of your new normal. You're a great mama.


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