.7 inches in diameter and .05 inches thick....  That's the size of a dime and about how fast things changed for us yesterday.  

Saturday we were packing our van for a trip to drop the kids off with Jonny's parents in Maryland while the two of us headed to Colorado for a free, all inclusive trip designed to minister to pastors and their wives.  And then Nathan threw up... twice.  And then Saturday night his temp was up and his breathing became more and more labored...

Sunday, his PCP sent us to the ER for X-rays and labs and by 10pm last night we we were in the PICU, two doors down from where we spent the month of February last year.

He tested positive to RSV and is currently on pressurized oxygen and getting some aggressive breathing treatments every hour along with steriods.  He has been getting shots throughout the cold and flu season to prevent getting RSV....  here's to hoping they at least help lessen the intensity and length of the virus.

Our biggest hope and the thing we are praying and asking God for right now is that Nathan turns a corner in the next 24 hours or so...  We really, really, really don't want him to have to go back on the ventilator.  Of course, if he has to, he has to but we have been so encouraged by how well he has done the last 3 months out of the hospital ( Our Longest Stretch!!) and hate the thought of him having all the drugs, etc. that come along with the vent.

We are thankful that things progressed when and as they did in terms of our not being gone, Nathan being here, close to doctors who know him, etc.  However, to go from thinking we were going to get 4 days together to connect, refresh, etc to hospital life has been a pretty sharp swing of emotions.  (let's be honest, it feels more like a sucker punch to the the juggular.)  

We have met the Lord in dissapointments far greater before and have found him to be nothing but more faithful, more intimate and more satisfying than we could have hoped or imagined.  That is our prayer and hope for this week as well.  We thought we needed time away.  We thought we needed this week for the health of our souls and our marriage after the such an unpredictable and intense last 17 months.  But the truth is, we don't.  What we need, and ALL we need is Christ.  And he is ready and available to meet with us, carry us and love us through this.  The depths of my anticipation and longing for the refreshment of what this week was going to be was pretty intense.  Christ is more than capable of satisfying those needs.  He doesn't need me to be away to minister to my soul, he is doing that here, now, in this cold and sterile room while my son restlessly sleeps attached to monitors with oxygen pumping into his airways.  Was it not just this week that we were studying the Bible with the college students in our church and looking at all that Christ gave up to dwell with us?  If the One who gave up Heaven itself to come for me wants to meet me here, in these dreary, long and tiring circumstances rather than in the majesty of the mountains - May my soul gladly choose to seek Him here.  I thought I knew what I needed.  Yet on a dime I was reminded again that circumstances are NEVER what I need.  What I need is Christ and he has never, ever left me wanting.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in Prayer" 
  - Romans 12:12

"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him." 
  -Nahum 1:7

Also - Check out Chris Tomin's "All of You" on youtube - it's an oldie but goodie that I'm lovin' today!  


  1. Praying for sweet Nathan, and peace and strength for you.

  2. "Great is His Faithfulness" my heart and prayers are with you all....Jan W.

  3. Loving you and standing with you in prayer believing Nathan will recover quickly and God will minister fresh fire to your spirit and peace to your soul.


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