It's that time of year...

Hello Friends and Family! 2017 is starting out in full swing for getting Nathan settled into some new routines of care and we want to make sure to keep everyone updated on the significant things happening. In January he was re-evaluated for Physical, Occupational and Speech services and as he is still showing delays in each area he will be continuing to receive each of those therapies weekly. PT and OT have already begun and we are still waiting on Speech to be approved/processed through insurance. Please join us in praying for that to move along quickly as that is probably his most significant delay and the one that most drastically effects his social interactions at this time. Valentine's Date Night (Feb 14th) Nathan is having a sleep study done. If you've been following his story for a while, you may recall that he has these on an annual/bi-annual basis. The sleep study, MRI's and eye exams are three of the main factors used to determine the amou...