Cranio Surgery during Covid-19

The time we knew would come has come and it has come at a very inconvenient time!

So, one of the deals with Apert Syndrome is that well, it's a syndrome, which is kind of like a gift that keeps on giving...  If you're newer to our family or have never really known what or how to ask about Nathan there's a quick synopsis on one of the other tabs of this super fancy blog;)  (BTW, any questions that asked respectfully are welcome and encouraged by our family at any time!)

Nathan's body is like a bone-making-factory, only it creates bones at speeds and shapes that effect him in pretty serious ways.  One area that's dramatically effected is his skull.  Essentially, the way the bones fuse in Nathan's skull make it impossible for his brain to grow in a safe and healthy way without major surgical intervention.  And because it's a syndrome, it's not one-and-done surgery.    Here are a few pics from the last time he had surgery on his skull when he was 15 months old.

We get sleep studies, MRI's, and other consults on the regular to monitor his needs and this past February when we met with his specialist the results of his MRI and over 100 measurements of his skull all indicated that now is the time for him to have this surgery again.  The MRI revealed that there is too much pressure around his brain and it needs to be alleviated.  Like I said, we knew that this day would come.  We knew it.  And yet, it's a pretty hard feeling to be sitting in an office and hearing that there's pressure around your son's brain and that a major surgery is needed.

Surgery will be this Wednesday, May 20th in Dallas.  As of now, it's scheduled for 1pm.

This is a hard one.  Although he's had over a dozen surgeries and tons more of procedures, studies, scopes, scans, etc. this is a hard one for many reasons.

  - The nature of the surgery.  Last time he had this surgery, it was explained to us in this way...  During this surgery, a cut will be made from ear to ear along Nathan's scalp.  The doctors will then separate (think peel) the skin off of the bone of his skull and fold it down.  From there, the bone of his skull will be removed in a large section and placed on a table where the plastic surgeon with "rebuild a bigger brain box" while the neurosurgeon protects Nathan's exposed brain.  Once the bone grafting has been done to re-shape the skull, they reattach all the parts, take out the ventilator and then we get to hold him again.  So yea, this feels like a big one.  

  -  Nathan's Age.  Currently, Nathan is living his best life!  He has had a fantastic year in Kindergarten, preceded by a great Pre-K experience at our favorite elementary school down the street where I teach 5th grade and Maddie also attends!  He's had fabulous teachers, assistants, speech and occupational therapists, classroom buddies and just a community of acceptance and support that we could never have dreamed for him!  He's made MAJOR strides physically in the last year and some of our beloved Ohioans would not believe that the baby they prayed for and provided for can swim, ride a bike without training wheels, read and tell you random NFL stats...  Last time he had this surgery he was blind for about 10 days due to swelling...  hard to imagine him slowing down that hard.  

- Covid Restrictions.  Obviously, we are thankful since there is pressure around his brain that this is deemed a "necessary surgery" and that he is able to get the medical attention he so desperately needs.  However, as it currently stands, only one parent is allowed to be with Nathan.  For the first time in 6.5 years of 7 children's hospitals, all the surgeries, NICU and ICU weeks/months, ER visits, etc. Jonny and are not allowed to be together as our son's body (and therefore our hearts) is in a vulnerable place.  We are still in discussions about who will be with him and finding out if we will at least being allowed to tag-team days so that our son knows that we are BOTH there for him.  I am SO thankful to be married to the man I am married to.  We are really in prayer and trying to defer to the other - I don't want to just play the "mom trump card" and he doesn't want to take that from me.  Neither of us can imagine not being there.  Jonny despises the culturally accepted mantra that Dad's are passive and wants his son to KNOW his presence in his neediest hour.  "I want those doctors to look me in the eye before they take him back.  I want him to feel my arms around him when he is scared and in pain and confused and to know that I am with him."  And yet, "I know you want and need to be there.  I don't want to take that from you.  Your ability to comfort him is so evident."  What a difficult and painful tension we are experiencing.  It's not a tug-of-war over right but it is a tension of realizing we both bring something and we both lack many somethings :)  As in many areas of life, there is not an actual right or wrong so our prayer is for unity that comes from love and humble deference to one another.  (Jonny did warn me that he might get arrested for breaking and entering a hospital so... ;) )

- Insurance.  As always, this is such a tricky piece.  It's been a push and a whirlwind and while all is not totally buttoned up and tidy YET, at the end of the day, this is the Dr. we feel is is best possible scenario for our son and his 1/160,000-200,000 syndrome.  Y'all, Jonny has an electrical engineering degree and a master's of Theology (meaning years of Greek and Hebrew) and we've had multiple types of private and government insurance in two states. Understanding the numbers or language or processes of insurance is not the problem - we just need the right people to sign the right papers.  Would you join with is in prayers for the financial provision through the insurance systems?

I won't lie to you.  There have been some BIG feelings these past few weeks as we've postponed and worked towards a surgery that we both wish didn't have to happen and wish we could have had yesterday.  I've been in a hard, raw place with the Lord.  This is the hard thing my family is walking through right now but there are SO MANY who I LOVE who are walking through dark, hard, places.  I'll end with a song I had on repeat yesterday and a text I sent trying to articulate how I'm reckoning my feelings about friends and church members I love and my own family and soul.  JESUS IS SUPREME.  May my heart rehearse and stand on this foundational truth in the very depths.  May His Spirit protect and direct our thoughts to dwell on ultimate truth. 

"I keep listening to this over and over- EVERY. SINGLE. WORD.  I have liked it a lot but it was in the forefront of my playlist and mind the last week or two...  even the bridge “ I can’t stop thinking about your goodness.”  These words are more prescriptive for my heart than descriptive.  It’s not like I’m deeply or even freely feeling His goodness.  BUT- I do know, that I know, that I know it is true.  He IS good.  God is not my enemy - My enemy is His Enemy.  Today, to ground my thoughts, I’ve been reading in Hebrews, remembering and reciting to myself all the ways I have experienced his faithfulness and training my mind to think on his goodness and truth.  In every possible worst-case-scenario, God is still HIMSELF.  That is my foundation and ultimate rest.  I am ANGRY.  I am angry at brokenness, I am angry that I have limits, I am angry that my son suffers.   But God's goodness and presence are limitless.  I am really asking his Spirit to tether my mind and eventually my heart to the truth and reality of who He is.  I know it can and will comfort me.  He may very well move insurance or he may not- either way the FINAL say and victory is HIS and I’m praying to experience his paid-for-on-the-cross victory in my own heart today- regardless of and before the circumstances are revealed!  May HE receive glory for a victory in my own, rebellious heart."

**I'll update my FB and the blog on Wed the 20th.  In the meantime, ALL the prayers, and scriptures and encouragement you can send our way our loved and appreciated deeply.**



  1. Norman family:
    Praying for peace, comfort, and wisdom for each of you today and in each day to come.
    Praying God will guide and direct the hands of the surgeon(s) and their team(s), and give them wisdom and insight as they care for Nathan.
    Praying for provision of all of the needed insurance factors to fall in place quickly!!
    Finally, praying Nathan is strong and brave, and comforted in the love of Jesus and each of his family members, regardless of how hospital rules affect your physical presence, and that the parent and/or siblings waiting at home, as well as the parent bearing the waiting alone at the hospital, have a strong sure peace in Jesus and comfort and trust in the waiting.
    God be with you!
    Beth King

  2. Prayers for strength, courage, and patience. We don't know God's plan, but we know that His Grace is sufficient. You have been blessed with awesome children. May they continue to be blessings to all who encounter them. Be encouraged, Jen.

  3. Thank you, Jen. Prayers are forthcoming. I remember that first surgery. Also, thank you for sharing the Lauren Daigle song. I’ll keep that one with me as I pray for all of you.

  4. Thanks for your vulnerability to share so honestly. What amazing parents you both are. Nathan is richly blessed to have your unconditional love and care. Joining in prayer for you. So glad your Mom posted this online. Love and prayers from Austin. Teresa

  5. Praying for your family, I can’t imagine having to pick who goes to the hospital with him and who stays home waiting for the phone call. This is a terrible time to be sure- but God does amazing things in what would appear to be the worst timing. Will be praying Wed and praying about the insurance now. Praying for Gods provision, and his peace and wisdom for you and your family. Much love from the Lindner family❤️

  6. Praying for a successful surgery and miraculous recovery. For Peace that passes all understanding for you as parents and grandparents. Please reach out to your representatives— a family we know was originally told only one parent with their seriously ill 200 day old baby with severe heart problems reached out to their representatives and they were granted both parents to be with their baby. It certainly would t hurt. Prayers for your all! πŸ™πŸΌ❤️πŸ™πŸΌ

  7. My Friend,
    I am agreeing with you in prayer about insurance coverage for Nate’s surgery. Thank you for being you. You have laid yourself bare. I hear the rawness of your words. As a mom and a mimi, I understand where the anger and the fear come from. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to be unable to keep my baby from having the tough experiences and pain that Nate has to endure. In your words I feel the struggle you have had in your spirit. I was reading about David when he was most broken. He said that it was God who consoled him. I appreciate your testimony of God’s goodness. I am blessed by the obvious love you have for our God, for Jonny, and for your children. The fact that Jonny so honors your place in the lives of your children is truly remarkable. I have shared your family’s journey with my mom and her church family. We are praying for you guys by name. We are asking for God’s divine guidance on the hands and hearts of the surgeons who will perform Nathan’s surgery. He will hear us because He is faithful.
    Love you,

  8. Dear Jonny,Jen, Madison and Nathan. I am praying for you as you walk through this difficult path. I pray that God will ensure that Nathan's medical care is completely covered by insurance. I also pray that both of you will be able to be with Nathan to comfort and encourage him. I pray that his surgery goes really well and that he is kept as comfortable as possible. And finally I pray for God to envelope you with his Peace now and in the days to come. �� Ginger Schaber

  9. Praying for Healing & Comfort πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ❤️🌈

  10. Reading your blog brings back a flood of emotions from Fulton's second open heart surgery. Handing over your child who, somewhat understands what is happening, is so different than handing over your fragile infant. Having surgery while they are doing well is best but doesn't feel like good timing. Madison is older and also understand what is happening more and now you also have Bryce in the mix. Mel and I will be praying for you and Jonny and Madison and Nathan and Bryce. We are praying that as God walks beside each of you, you are confident in His presence and that you both lean on Him and honor Him through the surgery and recovery. Much love, The Cures

  11. Oh, Norman Family, how my heart aches for what you have ahead of you, BUT, I also know that GOD IS ABLE to bring ALL of you through this with His Grace and Mercy! God chose you and Jonny to be Nathan's parents so He knows just what you need exactly when you need it! and, as you already know, your faith will become STRONGER as you face this challenging surgery for him. Please know you all are in our prayers for healing, peace and comfort.
    Love, Becky & Jim German xoxo

  12. There are no words to express the heartache a parent feels for a child who is ill or struggling with serious health problems. I pray all goes well for Nathan and God will continue to keep the Norman strong through this difficult hurdle. God Bless all of you.
    Grace & Peace
    Kathryn Heaps

  13. Hello Jonny and Jenn, I miss you guys but glad I was able to recieve this on my email. Nathan and the surgeons will be in my prayers staying right now and I will continue to pray for all if you until his successful recovery is in the clear. I will try and contribute to the funds as I can but my heart soul and body os available to you for whatever you may need. You two are so blessed you have 3 beautiful kids that are a blessing in your lives. Please let me know if there is anything, anything I can do at all. My prayers will be many!

  14. My heart and prayers are with all of you today

  15. Our prayers are with Nathan and your family!


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