“There’s loads of space”

So many things to be thankful for today.  First and foremost, Nathan came out of surgery safely and it was very successful!  According to his team of doctors, “there’s loads of space around his brain now.”  

Another huge gift was that Jonny and I were able to find an atrium between the hospital and the medical towers where we were able to meet up and be together today.  Physical nearness can be such a relief...

At the end of the surgery, Jonny told me he was just going to walk with me as far as he could go.  We were outside the PICU when the doctors came out so we were both able to get the report from them together.  Then, because no one else is here (literally) they said he could come and just see him for a minute but would then need to leave.  Needless to say- Jonny was one happy dad.

Nathan is mostly sleeping and only waking to thrash around and tell us “it hurts” right now but that was to be expected.  Since they worked mostly on the top and back of his skull this time, the swelling isn’t as noticeable yet.  It usually gets worse but for now, we are glad it wasn’t as bad as last time.

Because if trying to comfort/distract/help him out hands will be full but we want to THANK YOU for your prayers for his surgery and thank you in advance/ask for continued prayers for recovery.

Here are two Pre- surgery pics From the morning and then the happy moment when we are with him again.  One of the great little things about this clinic is that they don’t shave his head- they twist his hair with rubber bands to make space to cut...  extra work in their part to help normalize his appearance post surgery.

I’m updating from my phone so this isn’t fancy or formatted- but honestly, we cannot thank you enough for your love, support and prayers in our behalf.  We have felt the arms of our Father holding us today through so many of you.


  1. Praise God!! Continuing in prayer.
    Beth King

  2. Such great news! Let me know if you need anything!

  3. Praising God with you. Such fantastic news! Continuing to hold you all up and for sweet Nathan's pain.

  4. Thank you Lord!Happy to hear that everything came out good. God bless you all.

    1. So thankful to our gracious God, who answered our prayers so faithfully. Now it’s onward through recovery!

  5. Praise the Lord! Praying for pain management and that you get to take him home soon.

  6. Celebrating and praising the Lord with y’all. We were praying from Austin!

  7. so thankful for the right doctors to be there for you -- keeping Nathan in prayer

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Praise God! Tears of joy experiencing the evidence of his goodness to Nathan and your family. So happy you guys got to be together to talk to the doctor and that dad got to come see his boy. Miraculous. Praying for Nathan’s pain management , go exception nursing care and protection from any complications so that he can go home assp. Much love to you from the Lindner family.

  10. Some amazing provision and miracles already! Thank you Lord! Continuing to pray for your family!

  11. So thankful to God for this positive outcome! Nathan is indeed special to our Father and I pray that He will continue to look out for him and speed him along to recovery!

  12. To Him be the glory for His unfailing love and mercy. May Nathan feel comfort and peace that only the Holy Spirit can provide. Our God is a mighty God

  13. Praise God for His goodness and provisions. Every day with Nathan is a blessing and God’s mercies are new every morning.

  14. Thoughts and prayers continue for Nathan, and family! May the blessings of God, our Father, and His son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, continue to hold Nathan safely in their arms, as he continues to recover from his surgery. May his recovery be speedy and complete. Thanks be to God and His son. Amen ❣️🙏🏻❣️


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