4 Down 3 to Go
Today is officially four weeks post-op for Nay, and the growth is quite remarkable! He turned the device on average 3 times a day for 3 weeks, which ultimately advanced his mid-face just over one inch. The kid’s pain tolerance must be super high because he never said he was above a pain level 3 or 4. For perspective, here are two pictures from May 6th, the day before the R.E.D. device went on, followed by two pictures from yesterday, June 3rd. In many ways, it feels like we have lived a lifetime in these four weeks and the range of experiences and emotions have been vast. Like everyone living under the sun, we have found ourselves holding significant pain, sorrow and difficulty alongside deep joy, exhilarating moments and even laughter. There have been gut wrenching moments as we watch Nathan suffer pain, struggle to do the simplest thing or miss out on so much. There have been beautiful moments where he has been embraced by friends, stepped int...