Our Valentine Stud in the PICU :)

We are thankful to be able to share some good news!  On Thursday afternoon, Nathan was taken off the ventilator!  We were very surprised as he had bombed a trial run early in the morning (and when I say early, I mean early like 4:15am early...  please don't judge the bags under our eyes) but he was doing much better in the afternoon so the doctors decided to go for it!  He is still getting some extra oxygen support through the face shield (seen in the pic above.)  Our arms and heart were full of thanks when we finally got to hold him after 9 days, even if only for a little while!

The short term goals for him are to continue to be able to cough up the fluid that is still in his lungs.  He still has a fairly decent amount in there but the hope is that as his little body keeps getting stronger he is able to keep getting it out by himself.  The other important thing at the moment is his being weened from the narcotics he has been on for 11 days now.  He has gotten a reputation for being a "wild man" amongst the nurses and staff because he kept fighting against the drugs to sedate him, which means they kept having to up his dosages.  Please pray for wisdom and accuracy as the doctors and nurses work to get him on a "detox" schedule that allows him to stay comfortable as those start to leave his system.

Nathan is still in the PICU and there hasn't been any sort of mention of an end date.  We are focusing on baby steps and thankful Nathan seems to be headed in a healthy direction!


  1. Prayers continued your way little Nathan! People are fighting for you!

  2. We continue to pray....your family is such a reminder of the absolute power of God--to keep you strong, to keep you going one foot in front of the other....to help you stand as Joshua did clothed in the full armor of God. May we all learn from your example and give God the glory and be thankful in all things. I praise God for you and continue to hold you up in prayer and the powerful love of God.

  3. Much love to you, and a Valentine's Day snuggle was the perfect Rx!

  4. You are such strong parents. I know that a big part of Nathan's stamina comes from the love you pour into him. He is a lucky little boy!

  5. Sorry! I didn't remember what my Google name was! Aunt Grammy was my great aunt and a person whom I loved deeply.
    Meredith Schwartz

  6. Praying for you all daily and wisdom for the doctors.


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