Recovery, Take 2.

They say there are pro's and con's to everything and having the same surgery twice within 12 weeks is proving to be no exception to that rule.  

The Pro's
We remember what it was like last time so we are able to make helpful adaptations to our recovery plan.  For instance...

*We got more drugs to come home with this time.  And we have not been bashful about using them.  Better pain management = more smiles + more sleep = better for everyone.

*We knew what to expect and truthfully, it's been even better than we thought in terms of how Nathan is recovering.  He has had less nasua from anestesia still in his system, he's weaning off the hard meds more smoothly, etc.

The Con's
*A certain someone we all know and love was MAD to wake up and find himself in casts again.   And I mean MAD.  Little Man would lose. it. most of the time he was awake for the first day and half or so.  That wasn't so fun.

However, now that he has realized they are here to stay, he seems even more determined than before not to let them slow his mobility down.  He's rolling around and trying to belly crawl with them...  they might be a bit harder to keep from getting all banged up this time...

We've been able to be at my parents house since the weekend and if everything keeps progressing we well as it has, we plan to head home in a few days.

The Future:
*The casts will stay on for 3-4 weeks then we'll keep doing wound care for 1-2 weeks and then, WA-LA  10 beautiful and functioning fingers and toes ready to go explore the world.

*Nathan's next surgery should be in sometime in December.  This one will be on his skull and will also be in Dallas, with the cranio-facial surgeon who has done the last two surgeries.  

                                            Big Sister = World's Best Medicine  


  1. What a beautiful picture of the love between siblings! Looks like he's found his "happy" again! Congratulations on being almost there with the "new" digits! Praying his recovery (and yours) goes well.
    Madison's outfit is too adorable btw

  2. Madison will be a great inspiration to Nathan who is so curious and determined . GOD BLESS YOU ALL !

  3. What a joy to read this update! I'm friends with Sandi & have been praying for you guys & I'll punkin :)


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