The final road to fingers and toes...

4:45am - alarm goes off - get dressed, packed, and head to the hospital

6:00am - pre-op check-in. Apparently, Nathan is somewhat of a morning person (he gets this from his dad)

6:15 - 7:45am - pre-wait-wait. This is where we try desperately to amuse Nathan and keep him from thinking about getting hungrier and hungrier by the minute. This mission is best accomplished by taking a ridiculous number of pictures.

7:45am - 1:00pm - Wait. Wait. Wait.

1:00pm - Meet our little fighter in recovery.  Can't hold him yet, but he's recovering well.

4:00pm - On the floor recovering. Finally getting to snuggle.

His big sister can't wait to come for a visit after dinner and after that the rest of the night will probably consist of trying to soothe Nathan and begging the nurses for more medicine :)

He's been a trooper but definitely seems to be in a lot a pain and is pretty anxious about the casts being back on. It's hard to see him so upset - if he only knew that in four weeks, having 10 fingers and toes will make all of this so worth it!

Thanks for keeping up with us, praying for us, and joining us on this journey!


  1. Outreach Board mtg. concluded tonight with all of us checking your blog and cheering that the surgery went well :-) Praying for peace and pain relief for your brave little guy!!

  2. What a champ. Make that three champs. Plus the medical team. We'll be praying for you guys! Luke and Cara R.

  3. Great pics! Praise God for a good outcome. Go Nathan!


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