Look Who's Recovering

Well, 1 week and 1 day later and I don't think if you passed Nathan on the street you would have any idea what his little body had been through! We are AMAZED at how well he is recovering physically and what a champ he has been through the entire process! The first couple days were really rough as the anesthesia was leaving his system, regulating pain, never truly sleeping, etc. but all that is to be expected. Even in all of that, we were so thankful that even at the peak of his swelling, everything moved out and down the back of his head so his eyes were never swollen shut this time around! The first week has been a wide range of pain, energy, fatigue and emotion. We've been back home for about 5 days and that's been a great thing for all of us! A couple of classic comments from the week: "But Mom, my head hurts! I didn't want to have surgery!" "My head feel squishy." "I want to put my head down but the bumps hurt!...