A Day to Celebrate and Remember

On This Day.... We CELEBRATE the birth of our precious son one year ago. We REMEMBER the shock, fear and panic that grabbed and twisted our hearts the moment he was born. We CELEBRATE incredible doctors, specialists, and others who by doing their job excellently ensured our son's safety during the first days of his life. We REMEMBER the fog, the weight, the emptiness of dreams crumbling around us and the sting of eyes that have cried out all their tears. We CELEBRATE that at the end of our dreams our God is still good. We REMEMBER the days when we couldn't touch him, the weeks of the ventilator when we could see him cry and cough but not hear his voice. We CELEBRATE having him in our arms (heavy, awkward casts and all) and the joy it brings us to hear him laugh. We REMEMBER walking past his room and wondering if he would ever come back to it... wondering if our home would ever actually be his home. We CELEBRATE no unexpected hospital admissions since June a...