You Are Loved and You Were Wanted

Little One, You are loved and you were wanted . Let’s start there. Your dad and I talked about you for quite a long time, actually. After the first year/year and a half of your brother’s life and the intensity of fighting for both his life and quality of life it took more time, more conversations, more prayer to be sure that we were ready for a third child in our family. Then, in ways that are more easily felt than articulated we both sensed a confident assurance that yes indeed, we were ready. And so when a little plastic stick told us of your existence, we were ecstatic! The first time we saw you on a little screen we marveled and our vision blurred with rejoicing as we saw your little, tiny heart beating fast. We knew how deeply we love your big sister and brother and instantly our hearts expanded as they filled with that same love for you. Telling your 3 year old sister you were coming was pure joy! She was so excited! In f...