Done and Done.
Food and Daddy, what more could a boy want? After just two nights in the hospital, we were able to bring our temporarily blind boy back to my parents. His eyes stayed swollen shut through Friday. He was obviously terrified the first few days; he was always wanting to be held by Jonny or me with his face as close to our face as possible. Pictures may be worth a thousand words but they can't do justice to the swelling of this kid's head! His temples literally went from shoulder to shoulder when the swelling was at it's highest - not to mention the puffy back of his head! We flew back to Ohio on Saturday. We've had some rough days (and nights) with Nathan being sick but as of today, he seems to have turned a sharp corner and is hopefully on the up-and-up. The swelling is already going down significantly. Apparently it could take months to be completely gone but we probably won't even notice it in a few weeks :) Familiar toys to run...